PMSA Features TikaMobile as Sponsor Spotlight

September 2019—This month, the Pharmaceutical Management Science Association selected TikaMobile Inc. to be featured as the Sponsor Spotlight in their monthly email sent to Pharmaceutical representatives and Medical Science Liaisons. 

The mission of the Pharmaceutical Management Science Association not-for-profit organization is to efficiently meet society's pharmaceutical needs through the use of management science. At their annual conference, PMSA strives towards goals such as raising awareness and promoting the use of Management Science in the pharmaceutical industry, encouraging interaction and networking among peers in this area, and creating an opportunity for reflection, relaxation, and rejuvenation for members and guests.

TikaMobile attends their conference annually. In fact, they have attended PMSA five consecutive years. TikaMobile is a cloud-based analytics and CRM software company focused on the life sciences industry, utilizing advanced analytical technology.

In their recent Sponsored Spotlight by PMSA, TikaMobile discussed the surplus of date hindering team’s success, explaining how CRMs in data lakes can cut down on excess information. It is explained by TikaMobile that, “an intelligent CRM platform is able to cohesively compute the collected data and information throughout the commercial organization in order to evoke more informed strategic decision making.”

To read the whole article, click here.

To learn more about PMSA or attend future conferences with them, click here.

To learn more about TikaMobile Inc. and the products that they have to offer, click here or email us at